Congratulations To Hand Hygiene Pioneer Elaine Larson - New York Academy of Medicine's Clinical Practice Award Winner


Congrats to hand hygiene pioneer Elaine Larson

New York Academy of Medicine’s Clinical Practice Award Winner

Today, the New York Academy of Medicine is honoring Elaine Larson, the 2014 recipient of the John Stearns Medal for Distinguished Contributions in Clinical Practice. Larson, a pioneer in promoting hand hygiene for infection prevention and control, is also the first nurse to receive this distinguished honor.

 Larson’s groundbreaking work brought patient hand hygiene to the forefront of infection control efforts. A 2012 study published in AJIC: American Journal of Infection Control concluded, “that efforts to increase hand hygiene should be directed toward patients as well as health care workers.“ Click here to read more about this study.

On behalf of everyone at Fitsi Health, thank you and congrats to Elaine for your tremendous contributions to help eliminate HAIs and save lives!

Elaine Larson, PhD, RN, FAAN, CIC is associate dean for research at Columbia’s School of Nursing. She is an advisor to the World Health Organization on hand hygiene best practices and has been the editor of the American Journal of Infection Control since 1995. Her vast accomplishments include numerous awards, honors and more than 250 publications. Click here for her full profile.